Our Transformations

At Ishita Saluja Image Consultancy, Our mission is to help you achieve your goals and reach your full potential by cultivating a positive self image. We are passionate about guiding our clients on a journey of self discovery and transformation and we can't wait to embark on this journey with you.


When I first met Hema, she expressed her deep desire to achieve her style goals and present herself as a confident and self-assured woman. However, despite her aspirations, she seemed to be struggling with a negative mindset that was holding her back.

Hema's lack of confidence and self-esteem was evident in the way she dressed and presented herself to the world. She had a tendency to shy away from bold and daring fashion choices, instead opting for safe and unassuming outfits that didn't reflect her true personality.



Hema's problem was rooted in her lack of confidence and self-esteem. She had a deep-seated belief that she wasn't good enough, which was reflected in her fashion choices. She tended to shy away from bold and daring fashion choices because she didn't believe she had the personality or the confidence to pull them off. As a result, she often opted for safe and unassuming outfits that didn't reflect her true personality.

Her way of dressing was quite conservative and unremarkable. She tended to stick to neutral colors, plain fabrics, and simple cuts. She avoided anything that was too attention-grabbing or bold, preferring to blend in rather than stand out. While there's nothing wrong with this type of dressing, it wasn't allowing her to express her unique personality or to stand out in a positive way.


At first, Hema was hesitant to try on different pieces and struggled with body positivity. However, we encouraged her to embrace her unique features and taught her how to enhance them with the right clothes. We took her through a step-by-step process of trying on various outfits and gave her feedback on how each looked on her.

As an image consultant, our approach with Hema focused on addressing the root cause of her negative self-image and developing a positive and empowering mindset. We identified her personal style goals and needs, analyzed her body shape and features, and provided practical guidance on color, cut, and style choices.

We also helped Hema to reframe her limiting beliefs and negative self-talk, taught her techniques for building self-confidence, and introduced her to new fashion choices. Our supportive and non-judgmental approach allowed Hema to feel comfortable and confident in her own skin, ultimately transforming her style and self-image.


Through our guidance, Hema learned to appreciate her unique features and embrace her personal style, leading to a newfound sense of confidence and empowerment. She began to make intentional and strategic fashion choices that complemented her body shape and highlighted her best features, resulting in a more flattering and put-together appearance.

As Hema's confidence grew, so did her ability to take risks with her fashion choices and express herself authentically through her style. She was able to achieve her style goals and present herself as the strong and confident woman she had always wanted to be. Overall, the transformation was a holistic one that not only improved Hema's appearance but also her self-esteem and quality of life.
